Monday, December 6, 2010

Stand By Me

     Stand By Me says what "The Body" says in terms of plot.  "The Body" has a group of children that have an adventure to find a body, and Stand By Me has the same story.  The children hear from Vern that a body has been found.  They think it might be Ray Brower which in "The Body" Stephen King used the name.  At the end of Stand By Me only Chris Chambers dies where in "The Body" all of Gordon's friends die.  In the movie, Ace Merrill and his goons never beat the friends up, however in the short story they severely hurt them, especially Chris and Gordie.
     The point of view in both the movie and the short story are the same.  They are told from third person omniscient.  It is narrated by a man who is writing a book.  He is writing a book about his childhood.  Both of the narrators know what is going to happen at the end.  They both want their stories told.
     In the short story, Gordie’s big brother, Denny, is an excellent baseball player while in the film he is a football star.  In the movie, all of the people Gordie meets are mean to him until they realize he is related to Denny.  An example of this is the shop owner who attempts to put his thumb on the scale to make it weigh more. Then once he realizes Gordie is related to the football star he does not put his thumb on it.  The he takes an interest in Gordie's personal life just to talk about Denny.
     The setting is different because in the film it is set in Oregon, but the short story is set in Maine.  The book takes place in Castle Rock, Maine where most of King's stories take place and Stand By Me is set in Brownsburg, Oregon.  Other than it being set in different states the setting is the same.  The boys are walking along railroad tracks.  They also enter some small towns along the way.  They find the body in the woods off of the tracks.
     The themes are the same in both the short story and the movie.  They both tell us how much children should go back to the old days when kids would climb trees instead of playing video games all day.  If children would go adventuring they may never get an experience like that again.  They may find the body of one of their classmates. They may find a case of money.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Body Blog

     The Body tells about a group of boys that find a body while they are adventuring.  They are unsure what to do and thus the story is about them figuring what to do. The plot takes the boys all across the county.  The plot gets the reader to sympathize with the boys because of the fact that they travel across the county.  "The tracks now bent southwest and ran through tangles of second-growth fir." They do many things throughout the story.  They enter a pie eating contest, they cross the Royal River, and they find a body.
     The Body is written in third person omniscient. The story is written as a writer who is writing this as a book.  "I was twelve going on thirteen when I saw a dead human being.  It happened in 1960, a long time ago... although sometimes it doesn't seem that long to me."  The narrator knows all that happens throughout the story.  The narrator can explain everything for the plot of the story.
     The author shows how the characters change through direct characterization.  "...Triple money on six-card-under, although Teddy was the only guy crazy enough to go for that."  "Teddy Duchamp was only about half-bright, but Vern Tessio would never be spending any of his spare time on College Bowl either.  Still his brother Billy was even dumber..."  The author also uses indirect characterization.  "Thinks they will ruin her pret-ty face."  The women is then perceived to be self-centered.
     It is set in the 1960's.  This means they don't have all the technology that we have.  They don't have cell phones, Internet, or even Ipods.  They were kids that went adventuring just to see what was out in the world.  It is set in a small town.  This means they don't have access to huge malls or skyscrapers.  They just loved gettin down and dirty.
     The theme of this short story is to get children to go exploring.  Children will never know what the world contains until they look.  They might find the body of a child who was killed.  They may find one hundred dollars.  They should always report things they find.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shakespearean Sonnets

Sonnet 73
     Love can make it through anything including death.  It is the most powerful thing on earth.  Love makes it through the season of fall.  Fall is the season of death.  It brings all plant life to death.  All the leaves change color and fall to the ground. 
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold

Shakespeare claims that love can make it through anything.
     Love can make it through anything.  When I was two years old my mother died.  My dad always reminds me how great of a woman she was.  My dad still truely loves her even after she has died.  I love her too.   She loves us both.  So Shakeseare is right still today.  Love  can make it through anything.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Boyz II Men-4 Seasons to Loneliness

Oh yea oh oh oh
I long for the warmth of days gone by when you were mine
But now those days are memories in time
Life's empty without you by my side
My heart belongs to you, no matter what I try

When I get the courage up to love somebody new
It always falls apart 'cause they just can't compare to you
Your love won't release me, I'm bound under ball and chain
Reminiscing our love as I watch 4 seasons change

In comes the winter breeze that chills the air and drifts the snow
And I imagine kissing you under the mistletoe
When springtime makes it's way here
Lilac blooms reminds me of the scent of your perfume

When summer burns with heat, I always get the hots for you
Go skinny dippin' in the ocean where we used to do
When autumn sheds the leaves, the trees are bare
When you're not here, it doesn't feel the same

Remember the nights when we closed our eyes
And vowed that you and I would be in love for all time

Anytime I think about these things I shared with you
I break down and cry 'cause I get so emotional
Until you release me I'm bound under ball and chain
Reminiscing our love as I watch 4 seasons change

In comes the winter breeze that chills the air and drifts the snow
And I imagine kissing you under the mistletoe
When springtime makes it's way here
Lilac blooms reminds me of the scent of your perfume

When summer burns with heat, I always get the hots for you
Go skinny dippin' in the ocean where we used to do
When autumn sheds the leaves, the trees are bare
When you're not here, it doesn't feel the same

This loneliness has crushed my heart
Please let me love again
'Cause I need your love to comfort me and ease my pain
Or 4 seasons will bring the loneliness again

In comes the winter breeze that chills the air and drifts the snow
And I imagine kissing you under the mistletoe
When springtime makes it's way here
Lilac blooms reminds me of the scent of your perfume

When summer burns with heat, I always get the hots for you
Go skinny dippin' in the ocean where we used to do
When autumn sheds the leaves, the trees are bare
When you're not here, it doesn't feel the same
Remember the warmth of days gone by.

This song is a ballad because it it tells of unrequited love.  It says how the singer wants the love of his life back.  He remembers all the times they had together.  He remembers the smell of her perfume.  He loves the girl but he can not have her.  He just wants her in his life.  His love is not returned because the girl does not like him back.  This song is definitely a ballad.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hero Post

Iron Man is a fictional hero because  he saves a little boy from an army drone in Iron Man 2.  He shoots it and makes the little kid think he did it.  He also destroys the rest of the drones that were sent to destroy the city.  He saves all the civilians in the city from certain destruction.  He then gets the girl.

My cousin Josh is my hero because he always seems to make the right decisions.  He makes moral decisions based on what the church teaches.  He always has a kind word to say to everyone.  He is never negative.  He loves life and lives it to the fullest.

Firefighters are great heroes because they put their lives on the line everyday.  They go into flaming buildings and rescue people.  They also use the jaws of life to open cars to save victims in car accidents.  They are great at what they do.  They are very courageous.